Farewell the Perfect Leader - (Ex Chairman -S. GurbachanSingh Grewal)

Mr. Daanish Grewal

"We hold you close Within our hearts And there you shall remain To walk with us"
This piece of writing is going to talk about a man whose entire life has been dedicated to only one single purpose i.e 'the upliftment of Education'. A devoted teacher, a wonderful principal, a leader to many. What a truly extraordinary life honourable S. Gurbachan Singh Grewal ji had who departed peacefully for heavenly abode on 21st April,2021.
He was a man to look up to, someone to follow, someone to admire, someone to proud of and someone to brag about. For him Teja Singh Sutantar Memorial Senior Secondary School was not an institution but a family to whom he nurtured with unconditional love and affection.
He had been the perfect gentleman to everyone he came across. He was always there to contribute positively towards peace and togetherness. He climbed gracefully through the rungs of his career to the highest level. He was the peacemaker whose role in our lives will remain exemplary. There is comfort on his words:"Dare to Dreams". He was larger than life"Work Hard", he always said,"we Will sleep when we Die".
That was his constant reminder and he kept on his words until his dying day. He used to motivate others by saying: Don't ever be afraid to make mistakes just make sure. You always learn from them.
The wisdom he gave will live long past his body for generations of generations. Although he will forever missed, we feel comforted knowing that he accomplished more than he could have dreamed in life. Following lines beautifully pay our tribute to this pious soul.
Our lives go on without you
But nothing is the same
We have to hide our heartache
When some speaks your name.
Sad are the hearts that love you
Silent are the years that fall
Living here without you
Is the hardest part of all
did so many things for us
your heart was kind and true
and when we needed someone
we could always count on you

The special years will not return when we are all together but with the love in our hearts you walk with us forever and ever.